Owlets visiting the hide – 28th July 2019

After successfully fledging the three owlets are currently exploring their world and visiting the hide for fairly lengthy sessions during these balmy summer evenings. We are currently running photography shoots from 3pm to 7pm to catch the best of the light. Anyone interested can email Les: [email protected] (don’t click the reply to this email it will take you to the wrong address) or call Les on: 07971 546747.

Two Little Owl Owlets visits the hide.
Two Little Owl Owlets visits the hide.
Little Owl Owlet walks on the floor near the hide
Little Owl Owlet visits the hide.
Little Owl Owlet visits the hide.
Little Owl Owlet visits the hide.
Little Owl Owlet visits the hide.
Little Owl Owlet visits the hide.

Published: 15/05/2023 Published by: WJP Software

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